We want to know what species are present in our parish and where they are. To find out, we will be doing some organised surveys, but also we want to encourage everyone to record what they see.
We have chosen 20 species that we are especially interested in knowing more about and we are making the reporting of these as easy as possible.
We are offering two methods for reporting sightings. The easiest, which can be used for our ’20 Selected Species’ is via our website form below
The other method is via iRecord which requires more detail but goes directly to a national biological recording system that we can retrieve data from - but you’ll need to add our activity code when you fill in the form.
Images courtesy of Simon Booker stokerpix.com
Great Crested Grebe: By Aran/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0
species reporting
We want to know what species are present in our parish and where they are. To find out, we will be doing some organised surveys, but we also want to encourage everyone to record what they see.
We have chosen 20 species that we are especially interested in knowing more about and we are making the reporting of these as easy as possible.
So, we are offering two methods for reporting sightings. The easiest, which can be used for our ’20 Selected Species’ is to use our 'Species Reporting Form' directly below. Please note, this form is best completed using a large screen or tablet.
The other method is via iRecord which requires more detail but goes directly to a national biological recording system that we can retrieve data from. Either visit the website https://www.brc.ac.uk/irecord or download the iRecord App https://irecord.org.uk/app/. There's more information on iRecord at the base of this page.
iRecord reporting
Another way of recording your sightings is to use iRecord, which is a national recording database commonly used for sharing wildlife observations (biological records), including associated photos. You can register quickly on the iRecord website for free. Activities on iRecord are a way of setting up forms and reports for particular sites or areas and for particular species or groups of species. South Stoke Wildlife & Conservation Group has set up an Activity specifically for the South Stoke Parish area that we'd like you to record your sightings under, so that we can use the information to make maps, graphs and interpretations related to our specific area.
How to use iRecord
We've prepared this simple explanation to help you register for and use iRecord. Simply click on the pdf icon to download it
Link to app https://irecord.org.uk/app/
If you want to use an app to help record your sightings, you can download the iRecord App onto your smartphone. This works fully offline and you can record species sightings with GPS acquired coordinates, and enter descriptions and photos on the move.