We want to know what species are present in our parish and where they are. To find out, we will be doing some organised surveys, but also we want to encourage everyone to record what they see.
We have chosen 20 species that we are especially interested in knowing more about and we are making the reporting of these as easy as possible.
We are offering two methods for reporting sightings. The easiest, which can be used for our ’20 Selected Species’ is via our website form below
The other method is via iRecord which requires more detail but goes directly to a national biological recording system that we can retrieve data from - but you’ll need to add our activity code when you fill in the form.

hedgerow survey

When: Sunday 30th January and Sunday 6th February 2022
Time: 10.30
Meet at: White Hill Quarry (Sunday 30th January) and the corner of Ferry Road and The Street (6th February)
As part of our aim to survey and record the flora and fauna present in the parish, we are going to do a survey of as many hedges and trees as possible, and plot these on maps. We are particularly interested to see what wildlife corridors exist, connecting the various habitats around us. The survey results should give us an idea of the quality and variety of the hedges, and help identify any scope for improvement.
Methodology: walk along hedges, estimate width/density/height and identify as many hedgerow and associated species as possible (see links below).
Hedge Basics: https://www.watlingtonclimateaction.org.uk/thehedgerowproject
Structure: https://hedgerowsurvey.ptes.org/healthy-hedgerows-survey-guidance and
Species https://hedgerowsurvey.ptes.org/biodiversity or https://hedgerowsurvey.ptes.org/survey-guidelines
If you're able to join us, please bring paper, pencils and a 2m(ish) long stick if possible (to measure hedgerow size and gaps). Please sign up here
Please note that all participants/volunteers do so at their own risk and SSWCG cannot be held responsible for any injury or damage howsoever incurred